Saturday, October 1, 2016



The below are a series of words from my consciousness that simply describe living in density and some of our challenges in order to break through the concepts/barriers/lack/limitations that plague humans. 

Typically, the consciousness in the food body experiences a lack of stability, is mesmerized by the appearance world, the disguises, low levels of consciousness, and the hundreds of concepts that continue to be assumed as truth and in control.  A human is typically unaware and does not feel consciously connected to Source, the Creator. The physical, emotional, mental makeup is a mix of the 5 elements.  The heaviness of matter, belief in time, space, maya (etheric energy), glamor (emotional energy), illusion (mental energy) is a strong dominating ignorance. An unenlightened man is controlled by rules and regulations, fears, blockages, incarnations, imprisonment, mind robotics, desires that are often harmful, clinging to unreality, a twisted belief in individuality, duality influences, and repetitive suffering keeping the soul/mind trapped in a net of its own making.  The good part is there are holes in the net. We are destined to awaken and be free.
Interesting fact:  There are approximately 84 million species.  All exist in mind but in Principle, the Highest Reality, they do not exist.  Physicality is not Reality. 


Eventually, through one's own effort, a  sense of Beingness, a grander understanding that is true, will develop as a major return step leading to the Original state of Pure Awareness. We learn through trial, error, longing, persistence, discipline and a faithful love to be an  Active Witness.  This means we are being aware of the Intelligent Light that vibrates behind all creation.  We are destined to awaken and consciously express the true spiritual identity, the Real Self, that has been patiently waiting to help us move toward a permanent waking state.  Through desire, the energy of the I Amness, genuine freedom, meditation, liberating choices, surrendering, renunciation, striving to permanently purify, recognizing the changeless, dropping concepts and conditioning, strong faith, realizing that the 'light-true nature' is already perfect and all that we seek we are, mind and emotions move beyond time and space and begins to re-identify with its True nature.  True Nature is changeless, observant and draws on, honors and loves the sublime vibration that which is Indescribable, the Source.  It begins to know through firsthand experience accepting its true identity and relationship to everything created.  True feelings and a genuine knowingness of the meaning of oneness is felt and joyfully begins to express itself as identity.  It understands that it does not have to incarnate to make amends.  Being True Self authentically wipes clear the past of robotic ignorance.  Persistent awareness of 'I Am" leads to the Eternal-Indestructible, our True Home.  This is the 'falling in love' state I often mention in books and classes.  Words such as science, unconditional love, genuine wisdom are clumsy but they do hint at the overwhelming Power and Presence of the One.
An interesting statistic from the ancient Vedic teachings:  Only one in a hundred thousand will grasp this fact now because they cling tenaciously to the physical body sense.


Our ORIGINAL STATE is beyond puny words. In the visible state, it can be witnessed as wordless Light. It can be intellectually recognized in the food body such as described in The Three Persuasions and briefly experienced in a conscious bliss state of Pure Awareness. It is Source, Pure, Principle, Awareness, Absolute, Everything and yet Indescribable.  No time and no space.  It is Eternal and beyond any intellectual comprehension obviously far surpassing, body, mind, emotions, and spirit as understood by the masses. 

Sunday, at Circle, and into the future, I will continue to explain what I just wrote from inner knowing.  I always welcome comments and suggestions.
Much love and gratitude,

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


I do not believe that we are robots in a simulation as depicted by some thinkers but rather a too frequent consciousness that is manifesting robotic energy.   The idea that we may be part of a grand illusion 'game' is a very serious possibility.  Anything is possible.  We realize that subtle programming is constantly being broadcast over the 'airwaves'.

People are mesmerized by the media, church, the medical profession, government and influential individuals.  If we fail to think for ourselves, be mindful, self-observant, use discernment then it becomes easier for insidious programming to seep into the minds and hearts of the unsuspecting.

How many people actual guard the 'gate of the five senses' and pay close attention to their own thoughts, words, and actions?  Humanity as a whole appears reactionary and appearance wise does give the impression that the many are living in a robotic way.

A laziness of the mind creates the repetitive pattern of advancement or decline and another advancement of  newly created civilizations.   I can see why someone who likes to play with ideas and the infinite possibilities not yet discovered could believe we are all part of a huge mind game.

To make it worse, spiritual leaders commonly teach that humans are on earth to evolve through ongoing acts of suffering.  Suffering is the 'how to be liberated' motto in many Eastern and Western teachings.  What are soul/minds evolving toward?  According to some 'enlightened' men, it is toward annihilation of the form into no form...oneness with a God that few understand.  What exactly does this teaching mean?  The leaders usually avoid explanation.  How can anyone explain God/Source/Creator?

What are intelligent units of light/mind/soul suppose to be actually experiencing and achieving in duality? According to religious teachers, conquering and being who really are as souls imprisoned in flesh and eventually returning to the mental/spiritual state of Oneness is the obvious answer.  In Oneness, they teach that there is no suffering and we have a choice as to whether we want to return to the 'game' which great Indian teachers refer to as a 'play in consciousness' or remain in the planes of bliss whatever they may be.

If humans are actors on a stage called earth or some other planet for that matter and the idea is to awaken to a higher Reality and get out of the game, not too many 'master' teachers spell out what the 'getting' out of the game actually means.  If non-playing means losing personal identity or actually retaining a sense of identity is usually not discussed.  In one of my books, The Three Persuasions, I do discuss this question from firsthand experience.  The gist being that we continue in consciousness fully aware of our true identity but finally free from the ignorance/nonsense of the deluded.  In other words, we stop  being robotic.  How we continue from the point of Pure Awareness is up to us.

One way to look at mastery while living in a food body is to be in total control of the 'game'.  I don't believe there are rules such as we must incarnate, suffer, experience lack or limitation unless we choose to for our own peculiar reasons.  Some may judge themselves harshly and feel it necessary to suffer for awhile to perhaps learn compassion in order to better relate to others who like to play in the unenlightened areas of consciousness.  Remember, we have individual will which is indicative of the power to choose.

Observing humanity, it does appear that collectively we are becoming more and more robotic in our responses.  At the same time, there are also many of us who actually do think for ourselves and bravely speak out.   I find it interesting how the media bends over backwards to ignore those who actually have a conscience and hold a sincere reverence for life.

I view mastery as being a master in your own mind and in total control of the 'game'. Mimicking robots are not the answer.  Must we really incarnate, suffer, experience lack, loss or limitation unless we choose to?   During one of my recent meditative workshops, I said to the participants, "Don't be played.  Be a player."  After speaking those particular words, the CD player stopped working for the rest of the evening.  Instead of music, we had Silence.


Shirlee Hall

Saturday, August 27, 2016

BABA - A Magical Cat with a Message

Newly released on Amazon and Barnes and Nobel Internet and in my STORE Tee shirt:

                                                      BOOK  PRICE $15
                                          Questions:  Shirlee:

Baba - A Magical Cat with a Message.  “Baba, as narrator, shares his infinitely superior wisdom with his human pet, Mama Shirlee.  He has a presence, humor, dignity, history and personal healing ability that are both impressive and elegant. Baba suggests how we can heal others and ourselves and at the same time be connoisseurs of comfort.  Although he can purr his way out of anything, his wisdom message needs to be heard. Time spent with him is never wasted.”

Thursday, July 7, 2016



Friday, July 15th, 7:00 pm

Tired of only pulsating?  Your mind is a transceiver.  It requires additional and disciplined tuning to bring in the signal better.

Our healing workshops are about accessing the ONENESS
We are already One.  Accessing is our point of power.

Detailed information:
email Shirlee:

Wednesday, June 29, 2016


WHY ARE WE HERE?  Think of resurrection as a chemical metamorphosis, not a religious idea.
Understand it as changing our carbon-silicon energy into a light similar to diamonds.   Our class and meditation will conclude with learning more about the science of deliberate transformation.  A butterfly is able to journey to worlds undreamed of by the caterpillar.  So do we when we transform ourselves into our destined diamond body.

We will meet at Peggy McCaffray's home in La Grange 1:00 PM...JULY 10th

My new treasure, Baba - Magical Cat with a Message will be available.

Light is a bond that frees us, a weight that lightens our load.



Saturday, June 18, 2016


Humans have murdered well over a couple hundred million people by warfare and torture in the 20th century alone.  When is a different course of action going to be taken?  More people would be genuinely inspired if somehow more of us could cultivate non harming and pacifism as a viable lifestyle.  Cooperative living communities have worked beautifully in different areas around the world.The intention for Cooperative living would not be for any spiritual or money making purpose but simply because it may be the only survival choice that will work in the future.   Perhaps, I am too much a wishful thinker.  Many people cannot get along with the few people who do live in the same home.

In social media we hear and meet people who have actually reached the inner feeling of unity with everything...reverence for life.    Moral development involves non harming.  Unity and non harming are not a romantic ideal.  Look at Gandhi.  He inspired people through demonstrations, petitions, strikes, pickets, sit ins, teach ins, go-slows, hunger strikes and more.  Today, there are dear souls who are attempting social reform through trans-formative and socially healing power of non harming.  Wouldn't it be a hopeful situation if more people would examine and translate the ideal of non harming into daily practice for ourselves, our local community and our global society?

As Patanjali suggested long ago, non harming must be practiced under all conditions, which means in thought, word and deed.   More self inspection needs to happen on a regular basis.  People are very aggressive today.  Abuse is experienced on every level.  Even being depressed will bring the energy down in our environment.  Coldness and indifference is a form of harming but yet we cannot go around crying all the time by what we see and hear.

We are made kind by being kind.  People attend the very popular woman Indian teacher's events simply to receive her hug.  That really says something about how people are touch starved. We have progressed remarkably in the area of technology but the heart of humankind needs to be opened. Compassion literally means to "suffer with."  I have often thought that collectively humans have a terrible record when it comes to compassion for animals.  In that same vein of thought, there always are stories in the news or other printed materials on compassionate acts demonstrated by animals toward all who need it regardless of the kingdom.

Years ago, Adrienne Clarkson, a former Governor General of Canada, said, "For all and everyone we must have compassion because it is in compassion that life consists."  I have many close friends who exhibit genuine compassion so much so that they often experience compassion fatigue.  Wouldn't it be a life changer if compassion was a 24-7 attitude, which embraces everybody?

I do my best to avoid the news and election discussions.  I wish there were narrators who would speak like Lao Tzu spoke of "three treasures":compassion, moderation and humility.  The collective mind of humanity needs to be transformed through training.  Followers for the most part ignore what all major religions state.  The message of religion is love, compassion, forgiveness, contentment and self-discipline. Many people must be deaf and blind.

I will close with an excellent quote from Albert Einstein.  "Our task must be to free ourselves from the prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.  The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self.  We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive."  Wouldn't life be an ongoing miracle if people with a similar consciousness would be elected to government offices?

In harmony,

Shirlee Hall


Saturday, June 11, 2016


My lineage is one of healers. Although I was psychic and had visions as a young child and young woman, my secret dream was to be a transmitter of healing energy. In order for dreams to materialize, we are expected to be responsible and take action. No one else can create our passion for us.  Being a healthy woman with all that a normal soul would desire in life, I remained unsatisfied. I willingly declined a Universal Motion Pictures Studios contract as a young mother and other glamorous opportunities that continually presented themselves. Deep down, I knew there was something else I was to focus on but did not have a clue. Country club living, traveling, a large number of good friends and the best of all, a good, loving and beautiful family were not enough. Something was lacking. I was outwardly living the normal human dream and I felt incomplete.
At the time, I did not understand the immensity of the inner landscape, the soul, and light within. The real part of who I was continued to play hide and seek veiled by human flesh and the conditioning accumulated from birth. All I knew is that I seemingly had everything but there was much more to consciously remember, prepare and experience before I could feel fully alive. When we have a strong inner drive for something, regardless of what it is, the universe eventually will provide an opening. When the opening appears, it is our choice whether we walk through the door and actually embrace the opportunity.
What happened to dramatically change my life and manifest my dream? It began with two choices. I chose to have minor surgery on my lower abdomen. About five days after returning home, I noticed the surgical area was swollen and red streaks were rapidly appearing. A high fever quickly developed and the pain increased. I had just given my newborn son his 10am bottle. I decided to lie down in the bed next to him because the pain and the infection became worse. The sensible action was to call 911. My second choice was in not calling an ambulance. I placed my hands on top of the infected bare skin and immediately fell unconscious. I knew the time because of the feeding schedule.  One hour later I awakened to a sticky substance spreading underneath my hands. To my amazement, an angelic force, a higher power, had created two openings, one on each end of the six-inch length stitches. When I inspected the area, I was shocked to discover that the infection was draining without any human assistance. The red streaks, pain, swelling and fever had completely disappeared. I had chosen to surrender my physical life to a Higher Power and the result was an instant healing.
Being unconscious and alone for one hour was the first step in a journey that has been non-stop until this day. What I did not know at that moment was the secret passion to be a healer of bodies and souls combined with an intense faith in God would create a situation that would catapult me into a miraculous and very eventful spiritual life. From that day forward, I was a very different person.
As a direct result of my own physical healing, I quickly discovered that prayer and laying on of hands, a healing would occur in others. Many were healed of cataracts, ongoing spinal problems, cancer, carpal tunnel, multiple scoliosis, tumors, earthbound spirits and much more.
 After the dramatic healing, I began to recall the ancient wisdom teachings; the Universal laws of spiritual living that awaken inner knowledge and heal the soul. Spending long hours in silent meditation, the teachings appeared in visions of Light projected on a bare wall in my room, radiant sentences hanging in front of me in mid air or messages whispered in my listening ear.  With ease, I began to write inspirational messages.
 I continue to witness God’s radiant light and angelic beings. My life has been dramatically saved four times by angels. Today, my dream of offering authentic service continues to manifest in magnificent ways. As a result of the original one-hour transformation, I felt alive, fearless and full of hope.  Some people refer to this type of magic as a second birth.  It is. 
 I understand suffering as a severe spiritual identity problem that we create as a result of false beliefs held in consciousness.  To heal a spiritual identity loss, there is an urgent need to understand cause and effect. To survive, we must rediscover what we really are and the purpose of life. I call the step-by-step understanding of the intimacy of this sacred relationship as falling in love with the Divine.
Some people assume that once we are on the path of Light that life will automatically be easy. Although I am constantly given unseen and seen assistance, it is not easy.  Because I had changed dramatically within, the without did likewise. Through the pain, I developed a stronger sense of discernment, patience, compassion, and power.  
 My seven published books are based on firsthand experience, the true teacher. Everyone has a story to tell. The individual story cannot be separated from the collective story. We are all One.  Eventually, all souls will awaken and lift themselves beyond the “closed structure” of the physical world. To evolve, changes are required. Some of the changes may be uncomfortable. We can through love, wisdom, and science regenerate ourselves and joyfully transform the physical into the holy and infuse the holy into the mundane.  Conscious thinking and action are required.
             The magic of dreams is in the heart of the soul. The human experience is a means for the inner Self to express in matter. Be true to your dream. Our evolution is the greatest love story ever written. Why prolong the journey?
In love and gratitude,
Shirlee Hall