Friday, November 13, 2015


What good is knowledge if it is not well spent?
What good is pleasure if ill received?
What good is pain if not understood?
What good is love if not given?
What good is life if not lived?

Being a miracle worker requires action.  Action reminds me of an incident that happened in the 1980’s.  I had been writing inspirational poems and articles basically for myself.  At one point, a friend suggested that I publish them, which I did.  They still vibrate their love and light in my first book, Circle of Light, written under a different last name.  The book is being prepared for republishing under the title, Circle of Light Revisited.

A Bulgarian spiritual teacher Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, who had a spiritual community in the south of France, sent me a letter of encouragement.  A mutual friend in Minnesota had sent Omraam a copy of my book. I knew nothing about him but later learned that he was one of the great adepts of ‘Initiatic Science’ of this century.  The letter was penned in his handwriting and written on onionskin paper.  Omraam encouraged me to continue to write and to consider being an active teacher uniting Western and Eastern traditions and help create a viable way of life for our time. 
A young man who was impacted with a mysterious disease for years asked me to contact Master Omraam and ask him for guidance.  The young man wanted to know whether there was anything he personally could do to help himself.  I did not realize that the Bulgarian teacher was no longer on earth.  What I did was go into meditation and mentally called on Master Omraam.  He quickly appeared but as a large swirling light looking similar to the Milky Way.  Since I had already listened to a couple audio-cassettes of him lecturing, I was familiar with his voice.  After the vision of light came his accented Bulgarian voice that clearly said one word to me, “Love”.  He sounded wonderful!  Yes, we must heal self and others through love, the greatest power on earth.  Love of God, love of our own divinity, love of all life and of course, be filled with gratitude.

Omraam next produced a huge cauldron filled with the Light of God.  The Light was brilliantly intense and alive.  He taught his students that God’s liquid subtle substance that we call Light is to be used to help not only ourselves but also others.  Light is a magical gift. It is likened to the Holy Spirit.  It is spirit, a free and glorious energy that exists for souls to use to create and improve existing conditions.
The immense container of Light was to my right.  Omraam showed me how we must be an artist at living by dipping into the dazzling brilliancy similar to a painter with a brush.  We are to paint using God’s Radiant Light.  First, he drew a small house and then a larger house of Light.  The houses were symbols for our bodies.  He suggested that we daily ‘paint’ our body-temples with God’s Light. 

Omraam continued and painted trees, shrubs, clouds and more.  In other words, we were to discipline ourselves and bring Light to people, animals, nature, our surrounding, and urged us to paint issues that arise, anything that needed correction.  This is a simple practice and a state of mind that benefits greatly if we use it daily.  By using this particular discipline and also recognizing the light blueprint behind all manifestation, we do our part to increase the Light consciously within the environment and ourselves.  We become a co-partner, an artist with God.

This is a simple demonstration that reminds us of the great truth that Light is the healer.  It is a living substance, a love and presence always available for our use.  Just imagine…if more of us used the Light for good, we would be a collective body of miracle workers.  Many people prefer that someone else heal them.  We are fully capable of healing ourselves.  Let us together dip into the ‘pot of Light’ and be true healers.

NEW!  Look for my upcoming podcasts...

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