Thursday, December 10, 2015


Many of us are frequently deprived of the visibility and warmth of the sun due to our physical location.  Yet, we can continue to bring life, warmth and light to others through our awakening consciousness. A great spiritual teacher, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov urged his students to use the sun as their example. When we learn how to connect with the Sun, the center of our solar system, we reinforce our connection with our spirit, the center of our own being.

Meditation at Sunrise

Meditating at dawn, in the living presence of the rising sun, is the method Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov urged all disciples to practice; it lies at the heart of his teaching.
He gave it the name ‘Surya Yoga’ from the Sanskrit, ‘Yoga of the Sun’ and it is practiced at all brotherhood centers between the Spring and the Autumn equinoxes.

By concentrating all our thoughts and forces on the sun, the center of our solar system, we gradually reinforce our connection with our spirit, the center of our own being. In this way a bridge is formed between our higher and lower natures allowing paths of communication to be established.
The rays of the sun and the ‘prana’ that is present in the air at sunrise are able to renew and transform us.

‘Each morning, when you go to the sunrise, think of nothing but renewing yourself. Leave everything else to one side, everything that is old and moldy, so you can once and for all receive this new life and enter into communication with that great current coming from the heart of the universe. In springtime, the early morning rays send you all the energies and stimulus you need for the rest of the year. Don’t let them pass you by without benefiting from them. Open yourself to these rays and allow the forces of light, joy and resurrection to pass through you.’

The following formula is one of many we have been given to use at the sunrise:
As the sun rises over the world, so may the sun of truth, freedom, immortality and Eternity, rise in my spirit.
As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of love and immensity rise in my soul.
As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of intelligence, light and wisdom rise in my intellect.
As the sun rises above the world, so may the sun of gentleness, kindness, joy, happiness and purity rise in my heart.
As this luminous, radiant sun rises over the world, so may the sun of strength, power, force, dynamic energy and activity rise in my will.
And as this luminous, radiant, living sun rises over the world, so may the sun of health, vitality and vigor rise in my body.
Amen. So be it, for the kingdom of God and His righteousness
Amen. So be it, for the Glory of God!
Extracts from A New Earth – Volume 13 

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